Thursday, April 21, 2011

Praze the Pain

I awoke yesterday morning with such a stiff back I literally couldn't get out of bed. I couldn't roll over. I was stuck. I discovered that by pulling on my nightgown I could rearrange myself enough to get some leverage and push myself up. The pain and stiffness lessened a bit as the day wore on, but I was still uncomfortable. Even today, my back is complaining and I have to be careful how I move. I know this doesn't sound like the good news that I am committed to post every day, and I totally missed yesterday because I couldn't get past the pain to think good. But it hit me this morning, I'm moving better than yesterday. I expect to be even better tomorrow. I expect healing and Praise God it usually comes. Just like we need snow once in awhile so we'll appreciate spring, we need pain so the Praze can grow. Praze the pain and Praze the healing.


  1. I have pain every single day ... sometimes worse than others, but I never have a day without any pain at all.

    My "praze" ... I am grateful for the ability to FEEL the pain. The event which caused my chronic pain, could have easily left me paralyzed.

    So, even if it hurts when I walk, I am thankful that God has allowed me to retain the ability to walk without assistive devices!

  2. Sorry to hear about your continuous pain, Pam, but it does make for a powerful testimony. It's the silver lining in the clouds that they used to sing about. I'll keep you on my prayer list for more good days than bad.
