Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Praze my mess!

Glory Hallelujah! I found my white sandals! I feel like that biblical shepherd who forsook the ninety and nine (I don't have quite that many other shoes) and rejoiced in finding one lost sheep. Actually a pair of little white sheep, looking a bit smudged and dirty after being rescued from deep under my desk where they've been hiding in a mass grave of discarded and forgotten shoes. I've been looking for the white sandals even before Memorial Day, the traditional starting gun for wearing of the white. When I couldn't find them, I tried to recall when I last saw them -- sometime last summer -- and where I had been. I went through suitcases in the basement, searched under beds and sofas, and finally decided I must have thrown them out for some reason and forgotten it. I never really thought about the desk where I often retrieve whatever footwear I had on the night before when I sat down to write. Sometimes I accumulate a couple of pairs, and if not retrieved they get pushed back further and further. This morning, I hauled three pairs of assorted tennies and way in the back, under a shelf at the back wall were my missing white sandals -- where they must have been since last summer. Oh, my, I need to get out the vacuum! But first I'll find the white polish. My lost sheep has returned!

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